Why Netflix! WHY!



Sorry for missing out last week. I took a little break because I received some good news. I got my acceptance letter into Graduate School! I’ve been on edge for two months! I’m happy to finally have the suspense end. Anyway, sorry for missing a post but I’ll do my best to keep up!

So moving on to what this post it about. I’m flipping out about the beloved shows that are leaving Netflix. We’re losing Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly, Roswell, and The X-Files. I’m annoyed because these were the best shows growing up and sometimes I just want to watch something that isn’t crap on TV. I already mentioned in the last post about Buffy being one of the main reasons I love the horror genre. I guess it was nice to have easy access to this show. I’ll have to save my pennies know to just by the box sets for these shows. This way I’ll always have them.

Yeah I realize that it’s probably a licensing thing and that maybe it’ll come back. But that’s what they said about Doctor Who and I’m not holding my breath about that one coming back ANYTIME soon. So right now I’m binging Roswell because I can recall most of Buffy, Angel, X-Files, and Firefly. I remember some of Roswell but it’s kinda fuzzy.

So enjoy it while you can guys…..


The Moment I Loved Horror



I was reminded recently of an article from Glamour magazine that was floating around Twitter. This article basically called all us Horror Lover freaks and that we must’ve had a horrifying childhood to love this genre. Check out the article HERE incase you haven’t seen it.

Anyway, I can’t really tell you the exact moment I feel in love with Horror but I can tell you the important moments that I really came to love it.

The first moment was when I was a little girl. There was a show called WISHBONE that I used to love. It was about a Jack Russell Terrier that would reenact classical literature for kids. I learned about stories like Ivanhoe, Pride & Prejudice, The Odyssey, etc. My favorite story, however, was The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. As a kid I loved the story of how a man wanted to separate the animal within but ended up making himself the monster. Don’t we all wish that we could remove the evil within ourselves so we can have peace?

The second moment I really loved Horror was when I was in my tweens. I LOVED watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer! In my house is was the forbidden fruit of television. My mom believed that Buffy was the devil and that watching that show would invite him in. I watched it anyway. What I loved was this badass chick killing monsters, saving the world, and still having a social life. I also loved the makeup of the show! The way the vampire faces changed was awesome for my tween brain. They were creepy looking but in a good way. I also thought that the backstory of the “Fanged Four” was pretty cool. That’s how I love my vampires…completely unapologetic.


The third moment was when THE WALKING DEAD premiered on AMC. My father traveled to Afghanistan for work so we could pay for university. My father and I are really close and I missed him so much. While I was emailing him, I told him about the show and he said to spoil every episode. So every season of THE WALKING DEAD, I would have my laptop out with an email ready. During the commercial breaks I would write everything I just saw and when the episode was over I’d send my message. What we both loved about this show was that it’s not about the zombies, it’s about the survivors. Watching the show you can find a least one character that you can relate to or have your own ideas of how you would survive. My father and I do that all the time. It’s funny how a zombie show was the one thing that my father and I could share while he was so far away.

The fourth moment came to me recently. I watched THE TRAIN TO BUSAN and I was amazed by how well this Korean zombie movie was made. I won’t spoil anything because I’ll write a review for it later. But I will tell you that it had me at the edge of my seat and even made me cry. Not because I was terrified but because I came to love the characters and it hurt to see some of them die. You see, horror movies can bring out a number of emotions if it has the right cast and the right script.

To me the horror genre is more than just boobs, blood, and gore. Although those are entertaining too. If this glamour magazine writer used half her brain, she would know that horror is filled with symbolism and various themes. I think Glamour Magazine needs to stick with the hair and makeup tips with articles of “love your body” right next to the picture of the size zero supermodel.

What was the moment for you guys? When did you love horror? Which moments stuck out to you the most?


Appreciating the Slow Burn on “Fear”


***Before we begin, first I’d like to apologize for the lack of posts. Damsel Cannibal’s lovely husband is ill and she needs time to help him heal. So your understanding and happy thoughts are greatly appreciated.***


Now if you’ve been hanging out with me through the live tweets for Fear the Walking Dead then you should probably know that I am loving this slow burn for this spin off. Sadly not everyone seem to appreciate what Kirkman is trying to do differently with this spin off. Here are the major complaints I’ve seen so far:

  • It’s too slow
  • Not enough zombies
  • Too much talking

Are we really that shallow of an audience that all we want to see is zombies eating people and survivors killing zombies? In my mind that would get old quickly. Kirkman has already stated that this is not going to be a rehashing of The Walking Dead. He wanted this to be more of a family drama than “zombie kill of the week”. More importantly this is supposed to show what happened during the time that Rick Grimes was in a coma. We’ve all asked the same questions: How did it start? What did the Government do? Are there other survivors out there? These are some of the questions that we’re going to be answered with this series.

We also have a better chance at getting to know our characters. We saw how they were before the apocalypse, how they were when there were hints that zombies were walking around, and how they were when the shit really hit the fan. I think this was smart because you can relate to at least one of these characters. Personally, I relate more to the Salazars. My dad pretty much has the same attitude as Daniel Salazar when it come to emergencies. Trust no one!

I like how we see the characters in this series respond to the disaster as it unfolds. With The Walking Dead, we were mostly experiencing these things from Rick’s Point of View when civilization already went down the toilet. With Fear the Walking Dead we see how everything collapsed and who has the better chance of survival. Personally, I think that Nick the Addict, Daniel Salazar, and Strands are the ones that are going to handle the zombie apocalypse the best.

I’m sure that the zombies are going to get more frequent as the next season progresses. But I still want to point out that if you just want to watch people killing zombies then stick with the zombie movies because both TV series is about the characters not the zombies


Audiences…How Important Are They?


For the past couple of weeks I’ve been giving audiences a lot of thought. Damsel Cannibal and I had a small talk about what our next projects were going to be and, trust me, there were journals filled with page upon page of ideas. From sex mutants to aztec gods we threw our ideas around until it came down to “Who is our audience?”. Was is it LGBT? YA? Maybe Horror or Romance? Maybe all in one? This ugly question really forced us to realize how important a demographic is and, as much as we want to believe that we can bring good literature to the minds of the general public, it all comes down to if someone wants to read it or not.

Now let’s talk about the picture of Teen Wolf. Why did I post that? Well my niece begged me to watch this show with her since she’s a die hard fan. So I watched the past four seasons and learned something about audiences. This show is geared toward hormonal teenagers, horror fans, and young twenty-somethings who just want to stare at hot guys. As much as I enjoyed the horror bit and the comic relief(aka Stiles), I honestly couldn’t get past the angsty teen love scene. The constant whining and pining of these teenagers bugged me so much that I had to fast forward the romantic parts. Even when they have a mature adult werewolf(Derek Hale, the one character that was holding my attention) he doesn’t get enough screen time. In fact his character got demoted from series regular to guest star.

What does this tell us? Well since I just turned 27 on Saturday, this show really isn’t for me or I’m forced to be part of the “young twenty-somethings who just want to stare at hot guys”. I can’t relate to these teenagers anymore because I’m a grown ass woman. The only thing that is keeping my interest is the hot shirtless men and the Monsters running around Beacon Hills. Now for someone like my niece, who is still in high school, she can’t get enough of it. It’s like she can speak the language while I have to watch with subtitles.

So for all you who want to actually see your shows, movies, comics, and books being enjoyed by the general public, please consider who your audience is. I’m sure that in college there are plenty of classes that tell you this, but sitting in a class and experiencing it are two different things. Trust us, it’s a pain in the ass to put your blood, sweat, and tears into your work and get a rejection because publishers don’t know which category it belongs in. It’s easy to think that you’re the exception to the rule but you’re not. Please don’t fall into that trap!

That’s my humble opinion.

A Bittersweet Last Supper With “Hannibal”


Well my fellow Fannibals, we have reached our last supper with our beloved Cannibal Doctor and his Empathic Disciple.

Of course the main thing EVERYONE is gonna talk about is the ending where Hannibal and Will take down the Great Red Dragon with a knife and a hatchet. It was a gruesome and bloody dance but once the Red Dragon was defeated Will has a revelation. “You’re right, it does look black in the moonlight…”

That was in reference to the comment Hannibal made about how blood looks black in the moonlight. Anyway, Will comes to the realization that Bedelia was right. He can’t live without Hannibal and he can’t go home to his wife and stepson. So what does he do? He takes a swan dive off the cliff taking Hannibal with him. That scene really reminded me of Thelma & Louise. I’ve heard a lot of people say they thought about Sherlock and Moriarty. The difference is that they weren’t fighting each other. Rather they seemed to just accept their fate and go out together.

Let’s not forget the post credit scene with Bedelia waiting for someone with her leg as the main course. Many Fannibals hope that this is a sign that its not over! Somehow Hannibal and/or Will survived the fall and came back to keep Hannibal’s promise to eat Bedelia. At first I just thought that Bedelia did that to herself because she was so terrified that Hannibal would escape and come for her so she beat him to the punch. Who knows.

According to Bryan Fuller, Hannibal’s story isn’t over until he’s dead. He is still hopeful that another station will pick up the series but with Netflix and Amazon turning down the offer(Fuck You, Amazon and Netflix!!) I’m not sure it’s gonna happen. Maybe a mini-series or movie is in the cards so let’s keep our fingers crossed.

Also can we just talk about Hannigram really quick? I love how Bryan Fuller isn’t afraid to come out and say “Yeah, Hannibal and Will are a thing”. Then you get shows like Sherlock and Supernatural that love to dance around the issue. So suck it, Destiel and Johnlock shippers! Our show actually had the balls to take it a step further!

Another fun fact about this episode is the ending song by Siouxsie Sioux. The title is Love Crime and you’ll be delighted to know that it was made by a Fannibal. That’s right, Siouxsie Sioux loved the show and was inspired to make music for it. Isn’t it amazing how artists can come together and create something amazing.

I can go on for days about how amazing this show is that that it is a mistake to let it go. This show was art so I guess not everyone can appreciate it. Thank you, Bryan Fuller for setting a new standard for good TV and creating such a magnificent and beautifully dark drama.

Here’s a fun video I found that plays to Love Crime by Siouxsie Sioux. It has clips from all the seasons so enjoy!

Sharktopus Vs. Whalewolf Live Tweet


Which shark-themed SyFy movie is your favorite? There’s Sharknado 1, 2, and 3, Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda and Sharktopus vs. Whalewolf. Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus…are there any more?

I’m live-tweeting my reaction (@DWCHorror) to Sharktopus vs. Whalewolf at 2pm central time. Feel free to join in and laugh along. I’m rooting for #TeamWhalewolf. #TeamSharktopus is going down.

Full movie streamed HERE.

Dinner Is Coming To An End…Or Is It?


I’m sure you’ve all heard by now that NBC has made the worst mistake of it’s existence. They have decided that as brilliant as Hannibal is, they’d rather not continue with it. I’ll never understand why companies do this. You’ve got a critically acclaimed show with brilliant actors and a great plot and you decide “Whatever let’s trash it while the getting is good”?!

It’s almost as if they want to lose viewers. Well, I thought that all hope was lost. Yet another amazing show that got the ax for no reason…until I saw that support from other Fannibals like myself. Carlos Mazal form Uruguay has created on online petition on change.org to save the show. It’s actually received over 67,000 signatures and need 75,000! It’s been mentioned all over twitter with #SaveHannibal. So please be a gem and sign the petition. I’m sure Hannibal won’t make you part of his main course if you do.

Not only are the Fannibals fighting to keep the show but Brian Fuller, the show’s creator, is hopeful that Hannibal will be picked up for another season elsewhere. Can we say Netflix or Amazon? Nothing is set in stone yet but we all need to keep our fingers crossed and hope that we can save this deliciously gory show from the copping block. I really don’t want this dinner party to end. Check below to sign the petition!




Jonathan Strage & Mr. Norrell


Catch Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell on Saturdays on BBC!

I am not an anglophile like Damsel Bruja. I find most popular British television marketed to American audiences incomprehensible, but Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell is refreshing, compelling, and dare I say, exciting? The first two episodes aired on BBCAmerica so you can catch up if you start now. I think English viewers are already on episode six?

Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell is an alternate historical story set during the Napoleonic Wars. The main characters, Jonathan and Norrell are two very different magicians destined to make magic respectable in England again. No longer the stuff of parlor tricks, magic can be applied to aid the war effort. Norrell is nervous, introverted, and socially awkward where Jonathan is a likable idiot whose failed attempts to win over his lady friend are used for comic relief. I’ve never seen anything like this! (No, it’s nothing like Harry Potter–thank god) There’s necromancy, supernatural deities, prophecies, and an unusual wit about the whole thing.

Not a fan of BBC? That’s OK. Apparently Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell is based on the bestselling book of the same title by British fantasy/specfic author, Susanna Clark. I’ve only watched the first episode, but my fondness for female sf/f/h/specfic authors will probably lead me to the library this week. Fun fact: it took Susaana Clark TEN YEARS to finish the novel and several failed attempts to get it published. She was told her book was “unmarketable.” Ha. Showed them, right? I love author success stories like these and I can’t wait to read the book.

It’s rare I come across a series with original, refreshing material, but THIS is it. And I’m excited to sink my teeth into Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell. Set your DVRs, run to your library and watch/read with me. Trailer below.

Shall We “Eat The Rude” Together?


A thousand apologies for not being able to live tweet during Penny Dreadful yesterday. I was a bridesmaid for my friend’s wedding. It was fun. The Maid of Honor got drunk and started crying, the speeches were tear-jerkers, we(the bridesmaids) had to hold the bride’s dress up so she could pee, and of course the food was delicious.

Speaking of food. How is everyone liking the premiere of our favorite cannibal? Since live tweeting is going to well with Penny Dreadful, I thought it would be fun to live tweet during Hannibal. So please check out TWITTER and join the conversation. I’m super excited for this season because the main story arc is going to be based off of Thomas Harris’ Red Dragon. If you have no idea what that entails then I suggest you pick up the book or watch the films “Red Dragon” with Edward Norton or “Manhunter” with William Peterson.

Check the following hashtags if you want to say hi!

#Fannibals #Hannibal #EatTheRude

Hope to see you there this Thursday. Don’t be late for dinner!